Last Update: at 5:07


Pandemic has little effect on Pilatus PC-12 NGX

Pilatus has already delivered over 20 aircraft of the new version of the PC-12 to customers. However, due to the ongoing pandemic, not all customers are currently able to take delivery of their PC-12 NGX.

Australia is a huge country, more than 32 times the size of the United Kingdom. The distances are correspondingly great. This is why the Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia was founded in 1928. They fly in sparsely populated areas with aeroplanes to take care of people needing medical assistance. Today, Pilatus PC-12 are also used for this purpose.

The turboprop aircraft of the Swiss manufacturer is a great success. Around 1,700 units have been produced so far. Last autumn, Pilatus presented a new version: the PC-12 NGX. It differs from its predecessor in that it has a modern cabin with ten percent larger windows, a fully digital engine control system, and a lower propeller speed mode that reduces noise in the cabin. A traffic warning and collision avoidance system (TCAS) is also available as an option.

Catching up on deliveries

Pilatus states the feedback from the first customers is «very positive». Nevertheless, the Covid-19 pandemic is also getting to the manufacturer based in Stans, Switzerland. Deliveries to customers of the new PC-12 NGX are taking place continuously despite difficult circumstances. Since the delivery of the first aircraft in May this year, over 20 aircraft have been delivered so far.

«In some markets, no deliveries have been possible so far, for example in South Africa. These will be made up for as soon as possible», a spokesperson says, adding that order books are full for the coming months.

Available as a freighter

The PC-12 has been produced in Stans since 1991. In addition to passenger transport in various configurations for up to ten passengers, the new PC-12 NGX will be available as an ambulance aircraft, for search and rescue tasks, for surveillance, and as a cargo aircraft. For the latter application, it has been equipped with a standard cargo door in addition to the passenger door. The take-off distance is 758 metres (2,487 ft), the maximum cruising speed 537 kilometres per hour (334 miles per hour), and the maximum range 3339 kilometres (2075 miles).

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