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New Microsoft Flight Simulator omits landmarks

In 1932 Sydney's Harbour Bridge was inaugurated. In Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 the landmark does not exist. And there are more surprises.

Newly released Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 inspires aviation fans above all with its realistic graphics – but also provides many a surprise. Users discovered that Sydney’s Harbour Bridge simply does not appear in the new flight simulator for home computers.

The iconic arched bridge over the harbour was opened as early as 1932 and is nicknamed Coat Hanger. A spokesman for the software giant told Australian Aviation that the game would be updated, expanded and refined in the coming years, including the bridge.

Huge skyscraper in Melbourne

But that’s not all: other flight simulator pilots discovered that there is an absurdly high building in MS Flight Simulator in Melbourne. And Buckingham Palace in London looks like a block of flats or an office building and not a palace.

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