Last Update: at 5:07

Despite being finished

New Berlin Airport delays Terminal 2 to 2021

The new German capital airport now has a second terminal. However, it will not be in operation once the airport finally opens. Reason is the Coronavirus crisis.

The new German capital airport BER announced the completion of construction of Terminal 2 on Friday (September 25). However, Berlin Airport will not use the building immediately after the opening of the airport on October 31. «Due to decreased passenger numbers, we do not need the terminal for the opening of BER», says airport boss Engelbert Lütke Daldrup.

Terminal 2 will now only be put into operation for the 2021 summer flight schedule. «Until then we can save half a million euros per month», Lütke Daldrup explains. «With passenger numbers rising again, Terminal 2 will be ready for operation within a very short time.» The terminal building has a capacity of 6 million passengers per year.

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